Frequently Used Numbers & Websites
California Poison Control California's fast, free, and confidential telehealth provider for poison information, advice, and treatment recommentations. Call toll-free at 1-800-222-1222.
City Clinic STI Testing Services
Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES)
HICAP of San Francisco helps people with Medicare, their family and caregivers understand their health insurance benefits, options, and rights. HICAP offers free, unbiased, one-on-one assistance from health insurance counselors registered by the California Department of Aging.
To make an appointment in San Francisco, call (415) 677-7520.
HIV National Clinician Consultation Center The Warmline (800-933-3413) is available 6 am to 5 pm (PST) Monday through Friday and the PEPline (888-448-4911) is available 24 hours, seven days per week. Both are free and confidential services.
Medi-Cal Connect | Tel: (415) 863-9892 (San Francisco)
OBIC Office-based buprenorphine induction clinic
OBOT Methadone office-based opiate treatment program
OTOP Opiate Treatment Outpatient Program
San Francisco DPH Vaccine Clinic
San Francisco General Hospital
San Francisco Health Network Clinic Directory
San Francisco Health Plan | Secure Provider Log-in | SFHP Formulary Member Eligibility: Providers can check member eligibility via the
Secure Provider Log-in website, call (415) 547-7810 and/or submit a request for an authorization by calling (415) 547-7818 ext 7080.
Ward 86 Established in 1983 as one of the first dedicated HIC clinics in the Uited States, the HIV Cinic at Ward 86 is located on the San Francisco General Hospital campus.
IPCOM Resources
Fillable Clinical Forms
Direct Admit Physician's Report
UCSF Resources
360 Wellness Center Created in 1984, UCSF 360 is one of the nation’s longest-running non-profit HIV care and prevention practices.
Center of Excellence for Transgender Health The mission of the Center of Excellence for Transgender Health is to increase access to comprehensive, effective, and affirming health care services for trans communities.
Center for Aging and Memory The UCSF Memory and Aging Center is an NIA-designated Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) working to translate research science into improved diagnosis and care for people with dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease and related diseases, as well as to find a treatment or prevention.
UCSF Primary Care Available by phone: (844) 727-8273, Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.